Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Tory Astroturf

Well this is a big surprise. Not content with the Blogging Tories, the cult of personality known as the Stephen Harper Conservative Party has launched its own Astroturf website. Now you don't have to go searching for Tory talking points on the web, you can just tune into any radio program, or read the letters to the editor. How convenient for us all.
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  1. Damn those rednecks and their stupid free speech! Rabid individualists! Crush them all! The People must speak as one!

    The Needle

  2. I don't mind them talking, but is it too much to ask that they form their own opinions and arguments?

  3. P.S. BTW, your last sentence is ironic given the Tory's "Let's all speak with one voice" program.

  4. "I don't mind them talking, but is it too much to ask that they form their own opinions and arguments?"

    Obviously the answer to that question is yes for anyone who actually makes use of this "service".

    And you DO mind them talking, Gregory. You mind it very much. Don't fib.

  5. Serious, I don't mind. Cross my heart. But, I want them talking not CPC headquarters.

  6. And if anything THEY say corresponds with official CPC positions, they are most certainly under the influence of the superfantastic mind control ray now in operation at the PMO, correct?
