Tuesday, February 26, 2008


I am not sure whether it's because its' snowing (again!!), or because we have a coalition majority conservative government, or because even though this government exists, the MSM can't help but sneer at any opposition (because you know, it is not enough to rule, you must crush the opposition). Whatever the reason, I don't feel much like writing about the shit that passes for politics at the moment. I am cynical, apathetic and ignored, just the way our elites like it. I am sure I will get over it, if for no other reason than I don't want the bastards to win. But for today at least, I am with Greg Staples, who always was at least one step ahead of me.
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  1. "I am not sure whether it's because its' snowing (again!!), or because we have a coalition majority conservative government, or because even though this government exists, the MSM can't help but sneer at any opposition (because you know, it is not enough to rule, you must crush the opposition)."

    It's because, as you noted in an earlier post, Stephen Harper is successfully applying the Alberta model to federal politics.

  2. Relax. "Pundits" like Hebert and Glavin are so in love with their own voices and locked into their echo chambers that they've lost touch with what Canadians care about.

  3. I don't think i've ever read a Glavin piece that hasn't had a nasty tone to the NDP, so no worries about that one. Must be feeling testy in Vancouver being surrounded by the socialist hordes.

    As for Hebert, interesting she didn't mention the Nanos poll shortly ago that had the party at 19%. Though, nothing seems to stop her short of her mission to have the NDP fold into the Liberals these days.
