Wednesday, April 23, 2008


According to David Akin, the Conservatives okayed a scheme to allow Canadian forces personnel to join Bush's war in Iraq, but failed to let anyone else know.
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  1. Isn't this the exact same thing as what we heard about in 2003, when Canadian officers on exchange in American positions continued to serve in their posts even when their units were deployed to Iraq?

    Of course, that adds a hypocrisy charge to it, because the Conservatives (well, the Canadian Alliance then, I think) made a big fuss about it at the time, charging that the Liberals wanted to have it both ways -- don't participate, yet participate.


    In both cases, I suspect it's DND deciding what it wants to do, and the civilian minister of defence going along with it.

  2. Of course, that adds a hypocrisy charge to it, because the Conservatives (well, the Canadian Alliance then, I think) made a big fuss about it at the time, charging that the Liberals wanted to have it both ways -- don't participate, yet participate.

    Exactly, we don't need another Liberal Party. If they believe in the Iraq war they should say so and take the consequences (or reap the rewards).
