Saturday, November 01, 2008

My Take On Obama

This is pretty close to how I perceive Obama. Obama is a Tory in the old sense. He would have fit right in with the old, WASPY, Progressive Conservatives. He has the same sense of "don't change if you don't have to", combined with noblesse oblige present in Toryism (not to be confused with Harper Republicanism). If he is elected, the lefties in the United States are in for a shock (except Dennis Perrin who sees things pretty clearly). This guy is not, not, not, one of them.
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  1. The actual left in the U.S. knows that Democrats aren't ever going to be "one of them," though. Obama is as good as it gets, but also way, way better than what they currently have.

    Basically, at this point, any change away from the direction they're going in is reason for hope.

  2. There are lefties in the United States? I think Obama will easily keep the "lefties" satisfied during his first term by rolling back the excesses of the Bush government (ie. state sponsored torture, warrentless wiretapping, etc.). It won't be until his second term that the gripes from the left begin.

  3. There are lefties in the United States?

    Oh, so you think I was the only one before I left? Get real. Just because they don't have a party doesn't mean they don't exist.

  4. Basically, at this point, any change away from the direction they're going in is reason for hope.

    True, I guess you have to stop the bleeding first.
