Tuesday, November 06, 2007


Funny isn't it, that those who are criticising Layton for his priorities support a party that was in power for thirteen years and always found things to do besides enforcing Kyoto, stopping the privatization of Medicare, providing daycare for all children? Now that they are out of power these are all vital priorities, but when they were in power...not so much. And the fact they are also supporting a fundamentally undemocratic institution? As I said, funny.
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  1. It's easy to have priorities when you're never in power.

  2. "It's easy to have priorities when you're never in power."

    That sounds like something Iggy would say, doesn't it?

  3. That sounds exactly like Iggy. It is better than "Do you know how hard it is to make priorities!", though.

  4. May I just say, I think their agreement on the issue is principled. Harper wants to use a referendum to push for Senate reform, Layton wants to use a referendum to just get rid of the thing. They agree on process, not outcome.

    I support having a referendum because, well, referenda are fun. (When they aren't about breaking up the country.)

    Unlike most Conservatives, I'd probably vote for the status quo, but I'd enjoy voting on it. I like watching politicians squirm. And so, seeing all the senators on tenterhooks for an evening as to whether the full force of the country will be deployed against them -- that's a prospect too delicious to pass up.

  5. No question, they all need a good shaking.

  6. "May I just say, I think their agreement on the issue is principled."

    See Susan Riley's column today:


    Still, it's nice to hear a conservative these days who actually wants to conserve something.

  7. Still, it's nice to hear a conservative these days who actually wants to conserve something.

    Very rare indeed.

  8. Oh, but that's because Conservatives are (classical/neo-) liberals and the Liberals are conservatives. Oh, and the Dippers are Red Tories.

    Everything is upside-down.

  9. Ben, it all sounds like the lyrics to Lola by the Kinks.;)
