Saturday, December 05, 2009

No, But

Brian Topp from his concluding essay about the coalition:
Canada does not have to have a fundamentally illegitimate, hyper-centralized, artificial “majority” government elected through the quirks of our antiquated electoral system, against the wishes of the real majority of our citizens. We are not eternally condemned to elected dictatorship or to Napoleonic politics.

Nor does Canada have to be governed by isolated minority administrations, surviving through inaction or Parliamentary blackmail and brinksmanship.
This is true. We don't have to have these things. But, as long as the elites of this country see their interests best served by this dysfunctional system, and as long as the population at large can be cowed into submission by fear politics and tribalism, this is what we will have. Canada, as a country, would benefit from time in counseling. It is a sick place. Sick at its very core.
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  1. "It is a sick place. Sick at its very core."

    You're welcome to pack up and leave at any time asshole!!!

  2. You're welcome to pack up and leave at any time asshole!!!

    I rest my case. I will stay for two reasons. One, you don't abandon the sick, you cure them and two, sick or not, this is my home. Now run along and go play with the rest of the Young Tories. I hear they are playing Pat Boone records at Jason Kenney's house tonight!!!
