Tuesday, October 20, 2009

This Is All Fine And Good

But what do the Liberals want in exchange for supporting the government? Anything? Anything at all?
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  1. That's the million-dollar question.

  2. Back to status quo ante?

    Huh. Time to haul out the "Election 2012" tag again?

  3. I'd think it's fairly clear what they want: to prevent the NDP from getting any more concessions out of the Cons in order to send the message that there's no middle ground between Harper doing what he pleases and Iggy being installed in power.

  4. I think they want what the NDP really wants--no election.

  5. I agree A., but this makes it look like that is the only reason they are doing what they are doing. They didn't even try to grab a policy fig leaf. It's almost an open admission that their only real interest is power and if that isn't available then screw it.
