Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Sure I Killed My Parents M'Lud. Have Mercy On An Orphan

I almost feel sorry for our government's lawyers having to argue nonsense before the courts:
A federal lawyer conceded Tuesday that she cannot "point to any risks" in the federal government seeking Omar Khadr's repatriation to Canada. But she urged a federal appeal panel to reject the prospect, because judges should not be second-guessing the foreign-policy decisions of elected officials.
If I was a judge on the court, I would have replied that her argument would be valid if this government had, in fact, a foreign policy.
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  1. So, Greg: are you coming out to the WWBA Extravaganza, at the Huether this Saturday at 4?

  2. Hi James, I am afraid I can't make it this year. I am working until 5:30 and then have another engagement. Hoist some for me. :)
