My friends, love is better than anger. Hope is better than fear. Optimism is better than despair. So let us be loving, hopeful and optimistic. And we'll change the world. Jack Layton
Is California a "successful" outcome for the Republican/CPC "starve the beast" strategy, and is this what Psycho Steve has in store for Canada when it comes time to pay down our deficit?
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The problem in California is massive out of control spending overseen by a so-called California Governor, a referendum system that obligates gov't to pay for every voter-approve initiative, regardless of ability to pay obscenely high taxes & out of control unions constantly placated by both parties. What's needed is an adult who will say no to all of this.
The problem in California is massive out of control spending overseen by a so-called California Governor, a referendum system that obligates gov't to pay for every voter-approve initiative, regardless of ability to pay obscenely high taxes & out of control unions constantly placated by both parties. What's needed is an adult who will say no to all of this.