Monday, April 04, 2011

Platform Shoes Vs. Powdered Wigs

Some friends and not so friendly ideological fellow travelers of this government are calling the Liberal platform a trip back to the 1970's. They, on the other hand, would prefer to take us back to the 1770's, a time when the message of low taxes and limited government was totally rad.
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  1. If the Liberals want to re-fight the 1980s, I welcome that fight! :p

  2. You want to replay Lexington and Concord. :P

  3. I wouldn't mind -- I'm a history buff.

    But I'm happier still to re-fight the early 1980s, politically -- it's one of the few times that the political centre-right was able to win crushing majorities.

  4. You are counting on the electorate having very short memories, then. St. Reagan was a liar. Did you miss that? Few of my contemporaries have failed to realize that by now.

  5. Low taxes & limited government is not necessarily a bad thing.Indeed a consensual form of governance/"government" would in all likelihood be marked by less government & taxes and more local democracy,i.e participatory democracy.
