1. A strict provincialist interpretation of sections 91 and 92 (a very, very, narrow interpretation of the reserved power provision of section 91) of the 1867 Constitution Act.So, anyone who is looking for a "national" policy on something such as daycare, for example is not going to get one in the Harper vision of Canada. If Prince Edward Island wants to raise the money for a provincial daycare scheme, that's fine. But under Harper's vision, there will be no "national" scheme, because according to Harper, that falls outside of his realm of responsibility.
2. A federal government concerned mainly with foreign policy, the military, the economic union and law enforcement (for the most part the criminal code).
3. The creation of an even more lose confederation of 13 semi-independent states in charge of all aspects of social policy (except when the federal government interprets that policy as being in conflict with law enforcement as in "safe injection sites") and economic policy (except when it crosses a provincial border).
This vision stands on its head, Canada as it has been governed since at least the end of World War II. I am sure it will sell among Albertans who like Section 92a (1) of the 1867 Constitution Act and want 92a (3) ignored and Bleus in Quebec who like the money rolling in from Ottawa, but otherwise.... Those are the easy sells. How Harper's vision of a "small Canada" internally and a "big Canada" militarily plays in places like Ontario, non-bleu Quebecois, BC and the Maritime Provinces, will determine whether the Canada we grew up with still exists in ten years. No matter what happens, no one can say that Harper is hiding anything, it is all laid out for everyone. All you have to do is listen to the man and his ministers. Recommend this Post